China Re-hashing Time: The following entry was written for our CampChamp ChinaMojo blog. To read other impressions from the group, visit ChinaMojoVT's blog
June 1, 2009
While many are far more articulate than I in describing where we are right now (Beijing) and how we got here (we flew – and boy are our arms tired!), allow me to pontificate on something that is hitting me right now, at this very moment:
I woke up at 5:30 AM Est. today after a rather fitful rest in a magnificent room (note to self: post pictures of the green bunny wallpaper). It is now 5:40 AM Est. (5:30 PM, China). And no, I did not sleep like a baby on the plane -although, to be truthful, there was a baby on the plane and I think he/she got just as much sleep as I. Like that baby, allow me to whine: I’m tired. Wah.
Now that’s out of my system. Our flight for Xi’an is at 6:30 PM China. I’ll keep on Skype until the last moment.
Nin’zao, East coast.
I feel that this is the best time to mention an unfortunate little event: My camera died in China. Due to this, you'll see a few "Notes to Self" in my entries that will never be fulfilled. The majority of my pictures survived the Incident**, as as I like to call it, but a few images will never be seen again. I wish the Incident had never happened, that I had all of my pictures and that I could have taken more.
I still went to China. I still flew over 13-hours, stayed for 2-weeks, and experienced a lifetime's worth of wonders. A photo or two would have been nice to document the experience for friends and family, but I'm still here, ready to share a story or two.
**The Incident occurred at a Buddhist retreat. I dropped the camera on my walk up to see the largest Buddha carved into the mountain. It then began to storm and the water added insult to injury for my poor little camera. The screen went white and all of the buttons stayed lit up, no matter what. It was only recently declared dead-as-a-doornail. Have fun in camera heaven!
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